
May 2024, Michael Rhoades’s computer music project titled “Beyond Context” was published on the Perception Factory label. Though intended for high-density loudspeaker array, you can listen to a high-resolution stereo version here… cost free. Enjoy!!

February 2024, Michael’s visual music composition, “Into Crystal Lattices” was presented in the BSU Music Department concert: EM|Three. The concert took place in Sursa Performance Hall.

December 2023, Michael Rhoades’s paper titled “Kinetic Relationships in Visual Music Composition: Interactive Changes Over Time”, was published in the Journal SEAMUS. Here is a link to the open source paper:…/11/Journal_SEAMUS_vol_30.pdf

November 2023, Michael’s latest musical project titled “SpaceTime” has just been released on the Perception Factory label. The project features 5 new compositions, each of which is an excerpt from a self-generating composition titled “an Eternal Song”. Each composition is intended for 3D/360°, 32-channel presentation via a high-density loudspeaker array. However, you can enjoy the full-resolution stereo version here.

October 2023, Michael presented his hour-long multimedia experience, “7 Antitheses”, in the Charles W. Brown Planetarium as a part of the CAAV 2023 International Conference on Data Visualization to be held at Ball State University. The event was hosted by the IDIA Lab.

October 2023, Michael presented a lecture titled “Recontextualizing Data Visualization Toward Data Realization” at the CAAV 2023 International Conference on Data Visualization to be held at Ball State University. The event was hosted by the IDIA Lab.

August 2023, Michael’s “Inside the Crimson Castle (an Escher Multiverse) was presented as a part of the, Argentinian based, La Hora Acusmática virtual concert series. Visit their Facebook page for more information.

June 2023, Michael’s visual music composition, “of the Dazzling Darkness” was presented as a part of the New York City Electroacoustic Music Festival. The concert took place in the Loreto Theater in the beautiful Sheen Center for Thought and Culture at 8:00p.

March 2023, Michael’s 7 Antitheses project, in its entirety, was installed in the Charles W. Brown Planetarium at Ball State University. This planetarium is considered one of the best in the United States. For more information, visit here.

February 2nd, 2023 – Michael’s visual music composition “Bending Glass Walls” was presented at the Napoleon Electronic Media Festival. The concert took place on Feb 2, 2023 at Doudna Fine Arts Center, Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, IL at 7:30pm.

October 1st, 2022 – Michael presented a lecture, titled: Kinetic Relationships in Visual Music Composition: Interactive Changes Over Time, at the IRCAM Forum at NYU. The talk took place at 2:00pm in room 303 at the NYU Steinhardt Education Building, 35 W 4th St, New York, NY.

June the 24th, 2022, Michael’s visual music composition, “Inside the Crimson Castle (an Escher Multiverse)” was presented as a part of the New York City Electroacoustic Music Festival. The concert took place in the Loreto Theater in the beautiful Sheen Center for Thought and Culture at 8:00.

March the 10th, 2022, The full immersion dome version of Michael’s composition, “Inside the Crimson Castle (an Escher Multiverse)” was presented at the SAT Festival 2022 in Montreal. In celebration of the 10th anniversary of the Satosphere, which features a 13 meters high iconic 360-degree immersive dome, 8 high-resolution projectors, and 157 loudspeakers, the Society for Arts and Technology reinvented the SAT Fest to offer a new formula with an enriched program.

October the 7th, 2021, As a part of the Muncie, Indiana Arts Walk – 1st Thursday event, Rhoades’ new audio composition “a Priori” was installed at Mad Jax from 5 – 8 pm. The setting was an old boiler room located inside a re-purposed industrial complex. Diffusing the piece over a 3D/360º 8.1 Genelec sound system in this unique space provided an interesting audio experience. Learn more: Atmospheres

October 3rd, 2021, “Inside the Crimson Castle (An Escher Multiverse)” was presented at Montana State University in the Reynolds Recital Hall. The name of the concert was “Sound, Shape, and Motion.

June 21, 2021, Michael’s visual music composition, “Bending Glass Walls”, was presented during concert #10 at the NYCEMF 2021 virtual festival based in Manhattan, NYC. Here is a link to the program.

April 25, 2021, Michael’s visual music composition, “Inside the Crimson Castle (An Escher Multiverse)”, was presented at the SEAMUS 2021 National Conference in concert #8. The virtual concert was hosted by the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, VA. Here is a link to the conference program.

December, 2020, Michael’s Paper, “Exploring the Nexus of Holography and Holophony in Visual Music Composition”, was published in the Leonardo Music Journal, Volume 30. If you don’t have access to the journal you can view the paper here.

March 14, 2020, Michael presented a paper titled”, “Exploring the Nexus of Holography and Holophony in Visual Music Composition”, at the (virtual) SEAMUS 2020 National Conference. The virtual conference was hosted by the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, VA. Here is a link to the conference program. Here is a link to the ZOOM recording of the paper presentation.

February 15 – 16, 2020, The 2D version of Michael’s visual music composition “Petal and Branch” was presented in concert at NSEME 2020. He also presented a lecture titled, “Exploring the Nexus of Holography and Holophony in Visual Music Composition”.

June 21, 2019, Michael’s visual music composition, “Cylindrical Dimensions”, was presented at the ICMC-NYCEMF 2019 conference/festival in Manhattan, NYC. The concert took place in the Loreto Theater. The composition was diffused over a 16-channel Genelec sound system.

May 8th, 2019, Michael’s recent musical composition, “Geodesic Weave” was presented at the Spring DISIS Student concert, in the Cube at Virginia Tech.

October 2018 – Michael’s visual music composition “Reflections and Refractions” was presented as a part of Electronic Music Midwest 2018, which was hosted at Lewis University… just south of Chicago.

August 10th, 11th, and 12th, 2018, – Michael’s musical composition “A Hot Jupiter” was a presented in three concerts that were a part of CubeFest 2018. The concerts, called “Sounds in Focus”, took place in the Perform Studio at Virginia Tech.

July 21st, 2018, – Michael’s “Crystal Verse”, a visual music composition, was presented at 2018 NYCEMF, which was held in Manhattan, New York City. The festival took place at the Abrons Art Center at 8PM.

April 30th, 2018, – Michael’s “Second Body Awareness”, a holographic/holophonic visual music installation, was presented in the Cube, in the Moss Art Center at Virginia Tech, as a part of ICAT Day.

April 30th, 2018, – Michael’s “Ice Cube Windows”, a projection mapping composition, was presented as a part of a group exhibit during ICAT day. It took place on the west side of the exterior of the Moss Art Center at Virginia Tech. The show began at dusk.

April 26th, 2018, – Michael’s “Second Body Awareness”, a holographic/holophonic visual music installation, was presented in the Cube, in the Moss Art Center at Virginia Tech. It was be a day-long installation that began at 9:00 am and ended at 9:00 pm. Here is a 2D version of the composition. Here is a low res version of the motion graphics poster for the event. Here is the paper poster for it.

December 7th, 2017 Michael’s Visual Music piece, “Pixelated Planes” was presented at the Fall 2017 DISIS concert in the Cube at Virginia Tech.

October 6th, 2017, Michael’s Visual Music composition “Apparitions” was presented in Germany at the Festival NEUE MUSIK LÜNEBURG. The name of the concert was: Elektroakustische Musik aus New York City.

September 30th, 2017, Michael’s 8-channel composition “Second Body Awareness” was presented at the International Csound Conference, ICSC, which took place in Montevideo, Uruguay from September 29 – October 1. The conference was hosted by Estudio de Música Electroacústica de la Escuela Universitaria de Música — University School of Music Electronic Music Studio.

June 24th, 2017, Michael’s Visual Music composition “Apparitions” was presented in New York City at the New York City Electroacoustic Music Festival. The international festival took place at the Abrons Art Center.

October 14th, 2016, Michael presented an exhibit/concert in the Cube in the Moss Art Center at Virginia Tech. The event was titled “Imagined Realities” and was based upon the notion that we are creating the realities we are experiencing. It consisted of: An exhibit of 10 new 60″ x 48″ oil paintings completed during the summer of 2016, 3 fixed media (music only) compositions, and 3 Visual Music animated compositions. The oil paintings were exhibited throughout the entire day in the lobby of the Cube. The music was diffused over the ~150 speakers in the Cube creating an awesome 3d musical environment. The visual work was projected upon a huge screen. Here is the Concert Flyer.

June 18th, 2016, Michael’s Visual Music composition “Reflections and Refractions” was presented at the New York City Electroacoustic Music Festival. The concert was presented in the Playhouse at the Abrams Art Center at 8:30 PM.

ICSC 2015, the International Csound Conference, took place in St. Petersburg, Russia on October 2 – 4. Michael’s “Sidereal Sonata” was presented on an 8.1 sound system.

NYCEMF 2015 International Festival was held at the Abrons Art Center in NYC. The week long festival took place June 22 – 28. The entire “Amber Orbs in White Infinity” (~ 18 minutes in length) was presented in their 3D spatialization hall.

Mikautadze Dance Theater – Abstractions in Motion was presented at the IPFW Williams Theater on May 15th and 16th, 2015. The fabulous MDT dancers moved in counterpoint with sections one and two of “Amber Orbs in White Infinity”. It was presented in 4.1 spatialization.

SEAMUS 2015 National Conference was held at Virginia Tech March 26 – 28. Michael was honored to have sections 5 and 7 from the “Amber Orbs in a White Infinity” project presented in “The Cube”. The music was diffused over 96 speakers in the brand new, utterly incomparable, facility at VT. It is one of the few venues in the world of its kind. The sound was HUGE!!

Mikautadze Dance Theater March 6th, 2015, 7:30 pm at the ArtsLab Blackbox Theater in Fort Wayne. The fabulous dancers, under the expert guidance of world renowned dancer and choreographer, Elizabeth Mikautadze, performed a structured improvisation to sections 1 and 2 from the “Amber Orbs in a White Infinity” project. The music was diffused over a 3D sound system. Here is an article about the performance in Fort Wayne’s News Sentinel.

Feb 2015 – The online publication New Music World, which is one aspect of EMF, is featuring Michael’s recent release, “Amber Orbs in a White Infinity”. Go Here to check it out.

February – March, 2015, Wunderkammer Abstract Show at the Wunderkammer Company – Michael Exhibited four of is abstract paintings.

January, 2015 W-Shop Wunderkamp January 2015 at the Wunderkammer Company – Michael Exhibited paintings of various sizes both for viewing and for sale. Here are newspaper articles, reviews, and interviews about the event:
PDF Version
Journal Gazette
News Sentinel

Starscapes and Landscapes
Sweetwater Performance Theater
October 14th, 2010

A Taste of the Arts August 2014 – Michael setup an installation titled “Echoes and Reflections” in the Fort Wayne Museum of Art. It featured oil paintings and computer generated music, spatialized in 3D, from Michael’s Echoes and Reflections project.

June the 5th through the 8th, 2014 – Michael was in New York City for the NYCEMF. On Saturday, the 7th, his “Immersion” was presented in concert at 1:30pm and again at 10:30pm in the Abrons Experimental Theater. The original 4.1 channel version was diffused over a 3D, 16.1 channel, sound system!!

October 25, 26, 27, 2013 – Csound International Conference – Michael’s work was presented on several levels at the International Csound Conference, which was held at Berklee College of Music in Boston.
– His composition “Immersion” was presented in a concert.
– The Horizontal Blue installation was setup there.
– Michael also gave a 45 minute presentation on the processes involved in a recent project Horizontal Blue (the LHC Sonifications).
View the Conference Schedule or visit the Conference Website for more information.

Artlink Visual Art 3′- 6′ Exhibit
Arts United Center
303 East Main Street
Fort Wayne, IN
April thru October, 2013

September 9th, 2013 – “Voices From Another Dimension” was presented at Montevideo, Uruguay at the Estudio de Música Electroacústica. Many thanks to Luis Jure for presenting the piece. The concert was titled “Concierto Octofónico”. Here is a link to the poster and some photos from the event.

August 14 through 17, 2013 – Michael was invited by a distinguished international jury to attend the prestigious international event, the Toronto Electroacoustic Symposium 2013. There he presented a 45 minute lecture/recital on the subject of the processes involved in the making of Hadronized Spectra (the LHC Sonifications). Michael’s lecture/recital was published in the form of a paper on CEC’s eContact! site.

Three Rivers Festival Installation – The Sights and Sounds of Numbers – Computer Generated Music and Images took place in the square in front of the Arts United Center at 303 E. Main Street in Fort Wayne on July the 18th, 2013. It was an informal three-hour concert presentation of many of Michael’s computer generated music compositions from the past 15 years. It also featured 12 large scale computer generated images. This outdoor event utilized a 4.8 surround system (yes 8 sub woofers!!). Go here to see a newspaper article and video interview/survey of the event. Go here to see the official poster. Below are some photos as well. Here is the PDF Version of the review.

A Taste of the Arts 2013 – Michael’s Horizontal Blue Exhibit/Installation was presented at ArtLink in the Russ Oettel classroom. Artlink is located at 300 East Main Street Fort Wayne, IN 46802

Sweetwater Installation & Concert – Michael presented Horizontal Blue, a day long exhibit/installation at Sweetwater Sound in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The exhibit opened Thursday June 6th, 2013 at 9am and ran until 7pm. That evening at 7:30 he presented the concert premier of his recently released Hadronized Spectra (the LHC Sonifications) project.

A Taste of the Arts
Green/Rhoades Synesthesia Performance
Fort Wayne Museum of Art
August 25th, 2012

The Voice in the Forest project, music, video and paintings, was presented at the Lotus gallery for six weeks during July and August of 2012. Here is a PDF Version of the review.

Fort Wayne Museum of Art
October 21 – 23, 2011

LaFountain Regional Art Exhibit
Robert E. Wilson GalleryMerillat Centre for the Arts
Huntington University
August 12 – 31, 2011

Espace, video by Sylvia Pengilly – music by Michael, was presented at SEAMUS 2011 – January 20-22, Miami University, Coral Gables, FL

Event Horizon, music and video, was presented at SEAMUS 2011 – January 20-22, Miami University, Coral Gables, FL

Starscapes and Landscapes Concert – October 14, 2010 Sweetwater Sound Fort Wayne, IN Several pieces from two of Michael’s CDs were presented. Go here to see the program.

Organic Mechanism was presented at SEAMUS 2010 – April 8-10, St. Cloud State University, St. Cloud, MN

Cygnus Loop was presented, along with a talk, at a Harvest Moon Concert – October 2009 at Concordia University in Montreal, Canada. To read lecture notes go here.

Tunnel Maze was presented at SEAMUS 2009 – April 16-18, Sweetwater Sound, Ft. Wayne, IN. Michael was also honored in acting as the conference host for this event. It was a fantastic experience!

Here is an in-depth interview in 2008 with Michael by Deborah Kennedy, feature writer from the arts magazine Whatzup, based in Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Anaphasics (3rd movement) was presented at SEAMUS 2008 – April 4-7 at the University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT

Release! was presented at SEAMUS 2007 held at Iowa State University on March 10th 2007. Also presented at this conference was a visual music collaboration between Sylvia Pengilly and Rhoades titled, Unperceived Dimensions.

The NYU New Music Ensemble performed a beautiful interpretation of Leading Turbulence in New York City on April 30th, 2007.

Release! was presented at IMMARTS’ TechArt06 Exhibit, which was be held May 27th, 2006 at Northern Illinois University at Dekalb, IL.

The Outer Edge of Possibility, a visual music collaboration between Rhoades and Sylvia Pengilly, was presented at SEAMUS 2006 held in Eugene Oregon at the beautiful Oregon State University campus.

Michael’s paper Azimuth – Score Synthesis Techniques was recently published in the Journal SEAMUS Volume 18 No. 1, Spring 2005.

Mental Aperture was presented at SEAMUS 2005, which was held at Ball State University in Muncie, Indiana in April of 2005.

Azimuth was aired on Acoustic Frontiers May 24th, 2004. Ralph Hopper is the host for this program from Ottawa, Canada, which airs every Monday from 10 am – 12:00 pm on station CKCU 93.1 FM.

Madman’s Prayer was presented at the Electric Rainbow Coalition Festival, at Dartmouth College in Hanover, NH. The festival took place August 22 and 23, 2003.

Energies @ Work was presented at Synthese 2003 held in Bourges, France on June 13th, 2003.

John’s Door (door to the john) received airplay January 23rd, 2003 Radio Nothing – the “Cold Day in Hell” edition. It is broadcast on 98.5 FM – WPKN, Bridgeport, CT. The host is Rod Richardson.

Composition Zeta (section one) was presented at SEAMUS 2003, which took place March 13, 14 and 15 in Tempe, AZ at Arizona State University.

Composition Zeta (section one) was aired on Steve Bradley’s radio program, art@radio (WMBC), on October 1st, 2002.

Composition Zeta (section one) receive airplay on the Tom Lopez radio program, FOLDOVER , on Aug. 26th, 2002. FOLDOVER airs every Monday from 4pm – 5pm on WOBC 91.5 FM in Oberlin, Ohio.

Composition Zeta was aired on Acoustic Frontiers July 22nd. Ralph Hopper is the host for this program from Ottawa, Canada, which airs every Monday from 10 am – 12:00 pm on station CKCU 93.1 FM.

Parallel Ordinates, John’s Door (door to the john) and Reflections @ Death’s Door, from Michael’s CD, Influences of Luminosity, received airplay on the Tom Lopez radio program, FOLDOVER , on Feb. 11th. FOLDOVER airs every Monday from 4pm – 5pm on WOBC 91.5 FM in Oberlin, Ohio.

Energies @Work and John’s Door (door to the john) received airplay November 28th, 2001 on Steve Bradley’s radio and internet program Art@Radio.

Three Whirling Dervishes was programmed August 1st, 2001 on Musica Nova, a weekly Electroacoustic radio program broadcast on 102.7 FM from Vancouver BC, Canada.

John’s Door (door to the john) was performed at John ffitch’s “The Door” concert in the Caturla Hall of the Roldan Theater in Havana, Cuba. The concert took place September 22 during ICMC 2001.

The Dragon’s Dream was performed at the V National Symposium on Digital Arts, 2001 held in Cordoba, Argentina on August 22, 2001.

Energies at Work and Adrift were presented on June 24th, 2001on the radio program “Inner Space” broadcast on 100.5 FM in Zagreb, Croatia. Vladimir Jovanovic is the host.

Beckoning the Hunter was presented by Anne-Marie Holland at the University of Glasgow On February 13, 2001 as her Sound Diffusion Concert and again in April of 2001 as a Seminar Piece.

Beckoning the Hunter was presented at the IV National Symposium for Computer Music and Image held in Cordoba, Argentina in September of 2000.

Energies at Work was presented in June of 2000 in a historic building called the Colonial Cabildo of Cordoba. The concert was a blend of Instrumental and Electroacoustic music.

Energies at Work was a featured piece at the SEAMUS Y2K Conference hosted by the University of North Texas in Denton on March 10 of 2000.

Energies at Work was a featured piece on the SEAMUS 1999 Audio Clip Web Concert the week of November 7 – 14, 1999.

Energies at Work was aired October 11, 1999 on WOBC 91.5 FM the Oberlin College radio station. The program FOLDOVER , which airs every Monday from 3pm – 5pm, is dedicated to Electro-acoustic music.

Energies at Work was played in July of 1999 in Crested Butte, Colorado at a concert called “Music you have never heard before” which was hosted by the University of North Texas.

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